The Genie Bra proves a bra can do its job and still be comfortable. There are no straps to adjust, hooks to catch or wires to poke you. The Genie Bra gives you the lift that you need and the comfort you desire. Order the same size as your shirt size and discover a bra that fits all of your curves. Made of nylon and Spandex, the bra comes with built-in pouches for padded inserts
GENIEDBRA双层减压无痕内衣(含胸垫),适合上班族,青春,做瑜珈和户外运动时穿,适合哺乳期,适合睡觉期时穿,适合老人穿等,无时无地都可以穿上这款风糜全球的减压无痕内衣. 特点:1.采用弹性面料编织而成,穿着更舒服2.无缝式设计,穿着更合身3.整体无钢圈,告别束缚和紧勒,给您前所未有的舒适感觉4.底部加宽,紧密贴合,不易卷曲,不易移位 尺寸大致(M-XXXL): M 下围罗口处宽 29CM 整衣长27.5 CM L 下围罗口处宽30.5CM 整衣长29 CM XL下围罗口处宽32CM 整衣长30.5 CMXXL下围罗口处宽33.5CM 整衣长32 CMXXXL下围罗口处宽34.5CM 整衣长33 CM